Hi! Welcome to our event submission page! If you’re an 0rganization or business holding an event in Spindale, we are SUPER excited to help you get the word out!

And did you know you can use your Event Page you create here to publicize your event on Social Media? Just click on the View button when you’re done and you can capture that URL to post on Facebook, X, or even in your email campaign.

Make sure you include a Featured Image so that when you Repost the link the social media platforms will pick it up and publish it for you! Your Featured Image can be as simple as your logo, but should be something really related to the event you are promoting. Is it a shot of a festival crowd from last year? A band logo you are having at your restaurant? Or the menu from a phenomenal food truck you have coming for the day? The choice is yours!


Date and Time
One-Time Event Fee
Event-Type *
Venue *
Organizers *